The second Anarchist Book Fair in so called Sacramento was a greater success than last year’s book fair. Starting in the morning and ending in the early evening Saturday, September 7th was packed full of ecstatic and curious people from the Sac area, California, and people who want to smash the state worldwide. Friendships were made, relationships rekindled, and acquaintances enjoyed new captivating conversations.
The book fair was held at the long-standing Washington Neighborhood Center, a longtime Chicano community center in Sac, learn about and never forget the Royal Chicano Air Force! There was a large inside center and a nicely sized outside portion, it was hot as hell outside and inside respectively, the Sac heat did not let up I was sweating bullets. I’d have stood out in the sun for hours for the same opportunity to meet like-minded people. The inside and outside of the center was lively from the start, but at the start of the afternoon the center was packed full of people, shoulder to shoulder a mass of people conversing at tables and grabbing zines. Anarchist and rad locals who distro, make zines, and knock over trash cans came out in style.
The vibe was electric, a little overwhelming for me. It was nice seeing zines being grabbed, I had a backpack full myself. Tables were nearly out of zines by the end, that alone was making me fly. The outside part had a space for kids to paint, and there was a striking mural painted of the Sac police doing shitty pig-hoe stuff like they always do.
A workshop was handing out Narcan while explaining how to administer Narcan, it was also sharing information and resources about overdoses. There was a table showing how to use a tourniquet and some tips for first aid at protests, what to do if you or a friend get pepper sprayed. They also had anti-nazi stickers which I love.
Anarchist political prisoner Eric King and his friends were speakers. King spoke about the emphasis that political prisoner support needs for our movements to win, or increase tension in society. The book Rattling the Cages, a project of abolitionist Josh Davidson and Eric King, a collection of experiences and wisdom through suffering of hundreds of political prisoners over 30 years in amerikkka was also a focus.
The inadequacy of political prisoner support in movements across the amerikkkan hellhole, is killing movements. Movements that could disrupt and raise tension in this genocide sponsoring state, flounder about because those involved fall into the same pits of comfort and inconvenience that has enslaved all of society under the boots of late stage capitalism.
Writing letters keeps anarchists in the cages alive and gives them strength, the war doesn’t end for those in jail. Prisoner support is not just something to write off on an anarchist checklist, it is about making connections and friends with people. People first and foremost, human beings who are intentionally starved of new sights to break their spirit, human beings who cannot make love or touch their lovers, husbands or wives for years.
Never downplay or act like people are not in jail, political prisoners are in cages and they are human with the same needs as you. None of us are free until all us are, it’s not enough to just have a crush you have to ask them out too. Send letters to political prisoners to increase tension and make death to amerikkka a little closer to realization!
There were Speakers who talked about mutual aid. Mutual aid during the paradise fire crisis and community mutual aid during covid. There was also discussion about their failures. Mutual aid groups that are ideologically diverse can quickly fall apart once a crisis is over and the goal becomes unclear.
Libs and rad-libs were taking over their groups, because they were not clear enough that reform of a genocidal state is non-operable. Amerikkka from Guam to Plymouth Rock will be smashed, never let that message be unwoven from your banners or shitlibs will weasel their way in and outnumber you. Mutual aid is not charity, it is not mr.beastism, some white guy coming into a community not to make friends but to give out things for his ego and business. Making friends, spreading anti-oppression anti-statist education, and eating a free meal is mutual aid.
AK press, Norcal resist, Black Rose Anarchist Federation, Sacramento Tenants Union, Socialist Rifle Association, MH First Sacramento, IWW, Sacramento Food Not Bombs and a lot of other chill people were there. Comrades set up a table to speak about the falsified charges and oppression of the Mexican state against lover and anarchist punk Jorge Emilio Esquivel Muñoz aka “el Yorch”. Free Yorch! my blood boils hearing about the cages he is in, I wonder what fruit he likes and if he can get that fruit in the dungeons the Mexican state have put him in.
Don’t have any regrets cause you only live once, grasp for what you want selfishly and greedily. Fly with those you love.
1..2..3.. ANARCHY!